
Allows clients to communicate with each other via a local tcp server. Clients can have tags added to them using the setting Networking.Tags. Tags can be used in combination with the /ub bct command to broadcast a command to all characters of a specific tag. See below for examples.


/ub bc [millisecondDelay] <command>

Broadcasts a command to all open clients, with optional millisecondDelay inbetween each


  •  /ub bc 5000 /say hello - Runs “/say hello” on every client, with a 5000ms delay between each
  •  /ub bc /say hello - Runs “/say hello” on every client, with no delay

/ub bct <teamslist> [millisecondDelay] <command>

Broadcasts a command to all clients with the specified comma-separated tags (no spaces!), with optional millisecondDelay inbetween each. Tags are managed with the Networking.Tags setting.


  •  /ub bct one,two 5000 /say hello - Runs “/say hello” on every client tagged one or two, with a 5000ms delay between each
  •  /ub bct three /say hello - Runs “/say hello” on every client tagged three, with no delay
  •  /ub bct "some tag","another tag" /say hello - Runs “/say hello” on every client tagged some tag or another tag, with no delay

/ub netclients <tag>

Lists all available clients on the network, optionally limited to the specified tag.


  •  /ub netclients - Show all clients on the ub network
  •  /ub netclients one - Show all clients on the ub network with tag one



Default Value:
Networking server host


Default Value: 42163
Networking server port


Default Value: System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection`1[System.String]
Character identifier tags. You can use these with the /ub bct command to limit which characters are broadcast to.

Expression Methods


Gets a list of network clients, optionally filtered by tag


  • Param #0: tag (string) - Optional network tag to filter by

Returns: List - Returns a list of network client data, optionally filtered by tag


  •  netclients[] - returns a list of all network clients
  •  netclients[test] - returns a list of all network clients with the tag test