Prints current build version to chat
- Prints current build version to chat
/ub help [command]
Prints help for UB command line usage
/ub help
- Prints out all available UB commands/ub help printcolors
- Prints out help and usage information for the printcolors command
/ub opt {list | get <option> | set <option> <newValue> | toggle <options>}
Manage plugin settings from the command line
/ub opt list
- Lists all available settings./ub opt get Plugin.Debug
- Gets the current value for the “Plugin.Debug” setting/ub opt toggle Plugin.Debug
- Toggles the current value for the “Plugin.Debug” setting/ub opt set Plugin.Debug true
- Sets the “Plugin.Debug” setting to True
/ub date[utc] [format]
Prints current date with an optional format. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/custom-date-and-time-format-strings for formatting options.
/ub date hh:mm:ss tt
- Prints current local time ‘06:09:01 PM’/ub dateutc dddd dd MMMM
- Prints current utc date ‘Friday 29 August’
/ub delay <millisecondDelay> <command>
Thinks to yourself with your current vitae percentage
/ub delay 5000 /say hello
- Runs “/say hello” after a 3000ms delay (3 seconds)
/ub closestportal
Uses the closest portal.
/ub closestportal
- Uses the closest portal
/ub portal[p] <portalName>
Portal commands, with build in VTank pausing.
/ub portal Gateway
- Uses portal with exact name “Gateway”/ub portalp Portal
- Uses portal with name partially matching “Portal”
/ub follow[p] <name>
Follow player commands
/ub follow Zero Cool
- Sets a VTank nav route to follow “Zero Cool”/ub followp Zero
- Sets a VTank nav route to follow a character with a name partially matching “Zero”
/ub mexec <expression>
Evaluates a meta expression
/ub mexec <expression>
- Evaluates expression
/ub pos
Prints position information for the currently selected object
/ub id
Prints object id for the currently selected object
/ub printcolors
Prints out all available chat colors
/ub printcolors
- Prints out all available chat colors
/ub propertydump
Prints information for the currently selected object
/ub playsound [volume] <filepath>
Play a sound from the client
/ub playsound 100 C:\test.wav
- Plays absolute path to music file at 100% volume/ub playsound 50 test.wav
- Plays test.wav from the UB plugin storage directory at 50% volume
/ub vitae
Thinks to yourself with your current vitae percentage
/ub combatstate (peace|melee|missile|magic)
Sets combat state
/ub swearallegiance[p][ <name|id|selected>]
Swear Allegiance
/ub swearallegiance Yonneh
- Swear Allegiance toYonneh
/ub swearallegiancep Yo
- Swear Allegiance to a character with a name partially matchingYo
./ub swearallegiance
- Swear Allegiance to the closest character/ub swearallegiance selected
- Swear Allegiance to the selected character
/ub breakallegiance[p][ <name|id|selected>]
Break Allegiance (TODO: scan Allegiance Heirarchy, instead of visible)
/ub breakallegiance Yonneh
- Break your Allegiance toYonneh
(noooooooooooo)/ub breakallegiancep Yo
- Break Allegiance from a character with a name partially matchingYo
./ub breakallegiance
- Break Allegiance from the closest character/ub breakallegiance selected
- Break Allegiance from the selected character
/ub use[li][p] [itemOne] on [itemTwo]
Use Item
/ub use Cake
- Use an item with exact name of Cake/ub usepi splitting on gold pea
- Use a partial match (splitting) splitting tool on a gold pea/ub uselp plant
- Use a plant on the landscape./ub usei Stamina Elixer
- Use a stamina elixer in your inventory.
/ub select[li][p] [item]
Select Item
/ub select Cake
- Select an item with exact name of Cake/ub selectpi gold
- Select a partial match to the word gold/ub selectlp plant
- Select a partial match of a plant on the landscape.
/ub close corpse
Close the open corpse
/ub close corpse
- Close the corpse if one is open
/ub arrow [point <coordinates>|face]
Points the arrow towards the specified coordinates
/ub arrow point 32.7N, 45.5E
- Points the arrow towards 32.7N, 45.5E/ub arrow face
- Faces your character in the same direction the arrow is currently pointing
Development Test.
/ub autosalvage [force]
Salvages items in your inventory the match a Salvage type rule in your currently loaded VTank loot profile. You must end the command with “force” in order for it to actually salvage anything.
/ub autosalvage
- Adds all matching items to your salvage window/ub autosalvage force
- Adds all matching items to your salvage window AND clicks salvage
/ub getjob
run this command to see tinker jobs currently in queue
/ub tinkcalc
select an item and run this command to see best iron/granite combination
/ub autotrade { <lootProfile> | autoaccept { add[gs] <namePattern> | remove[gs] <namePattern> | list } }
Adds all items matching a VTank loot profile to the trade window.
/ub autotrade
- Adds all items matching CharacterName.utl to the trade window, where CharacterName is the name of the character you currently have a trade open with./ub autotrade mfk.utl
- Adds all items matching mfk.utl to the currently open trade window/ub autotrade autoaccept add Shen-.*
- Adds any char matching the pattern Shen-.* to the current character’s auto-accept list/ub autotrade autoaccept removes Sunnuj
- Removes Sunnuj from the auto-accept list for all of your characters on the current server/ub autotrade autoaccept addg Yonneh
- Adds Yonneh to the auto-accept list for all of your characters on any server/ub autotrade autoaccept list
- Lists all auto accept name patterns
/ub autovendor <cancel|lootProfile>
Auto buy/sell from vendors.
/ub autovendor
- Loads VendorName.utl and starts the AutoVendor process./ub autovendor cancel
- Cancels the current autovendor session./ub autovendor recomp.utl
- Loads recomp.utl and starts the AutoVendor process.
/ub vendor {open[p] <vendorname,vendorid,vendorhex> | buyall | sellall | clearbuy | clearsell | opencancel}
Vendor commands, with build in VTank pausing.
/ub vendor open Tunlok Weapons Master
- Opens vendor with name “Tunlok Weapons Master”/ub vendor opencancel
- Quietly cancels the last /ub vendor open* command
/ub xp [level|test|slow]
Automatically spend experience according to a policy.
/ub xp
- Displays the weights of the current xp policy./ub xp test
- Displays the way current experience would be spent with the current policy/ub xp level
- Begins (or halts) quickly spending experience with up to MaxXpChunk./ub xp slow
- Begins (or halts) spending experience one level at a time.
/ub chatfilter (recharge|otherscast|youcast|misc|attackonyou|attackontarget|all|test) (true|false)
Filter or unfilter all chat messages
/ub chatfilter recharge true
- filters all recharge group chat messages
/ub getui
Returns the client window positions, encoded as a base64 string
/ub setui UI:<string from getui>
Sets the client window positions, based on a base64 string
- Sets the UI to a pretty standard 1024x768 layout
/ub resolution <width> <height>
Set client resolution. This will take effect immediately, but will not change the settings page, or persist through relogging.
/ub resolution 640 600
- Set client resolution to 640 x 600
/ub textures <landscape[0-4]> <landscapeDetail[0-1]> <environment[0-4]> <environmentDetail[0-1]> <sceneryDraw[1-25]> <landscapeDraw[1-25]>
Sets Client texture options. This will take effect immediately, but will not change the settings page, or persist through relogging.
/ub textures 0 1 0 1 25 25
- Sets max settings/ub textures 4 0 4 0 1 1
- Sets min settings
/ub element[q][ <element>[ x y width height]]
Moves AC UI Elements
/ub element
- Lists available elements/ub element sbox
- Shows the current position and size of the SBOX element/ub element sbox 0 0 800 600
- Moves the SBOX element to 0,0, and resizes it to 800x600/ub elementq sbox 0 0 800 600
- Moves the SBOX element to 0,0, and resizes it to 800x600, without spamming chat about it
/ub pcap {enable [bufferDepth] | disable | print}
Manage packet captures
/ub pcap enable
- Enable pcap functionality (nothing will be saved until you call /ub pcap print)/ub pcap print
- Saves the current pcap buffer to a new file in your plugin storage directory.
/ub videopatch {enable | disable | toggle}
Disables rendering of the 3d world to conserve CPU
/ub videopatch enable
- Enables the video patch/ub videopatch disable
- Disables the video patch/ub videopatch toggle
- Toggles the video patch
/ub globalframelimit <frameRate>
Globally limits frames
/ub globalframelimit 0
- Disables the frame limiter/ub globalframelimit 10
- Sets frame limit to 10fps
/ub bgframelimit <frameRate>
limits frames while client is not activated
/ub bgframelimit 0
- Disables the frame limiter/ub bgframelimit 10
- Sets frame limit to 10fps
/ub logout
Loggs out of the current character
/ub quit
Closes the client
/ub count {item <name> | profile <lootProfile> | player <range>} [debug] [think]
Count items in your inventory based on a name or profile.
/ub count Prismatic Taper
- Counts the total number of Prismatic Tapers in your inventory./ub count recomp.utl
- Counts the number of items matching recomp.utl in your inventory, thinking to yourself when finished
/ub equip {list | load [lootProfile] | test [lootProfile] | create [lootProfile]}
Commands to manage your equipment.
/ub equip load profile.utl
- Equips all items matching profile.utl./ub equip list
- Lists available equipment profiles./ub equip test profile.utl
- Test equipping profile.utl
/ub calcdamage
Calculates the buffed damage of the currently selected item. Only cantrip buffs are included in the calculation.
/ub calcdamage
- calcdamage
/ub fellow create <Name>|quit|disband|open|close|status|recruit[p][ Name]|dismiss[p][ Name]|leader[p][ Name]
UB Fellowship Commands
/ub give[p{P|r}] [itemCount] <itemName> to <target>
Gives items matching the provided name to a player.
/ub givep 10 Prismatic to Zero Cool
- Gives 10 items partially matching the name “Prismatic” to Zero Cool/ub giveP 10 Prismatic Tapers to Zero
- Gives 10 Prismatic Tapers to a character with a name partially matching “Zero”/ub give Hero Token to Zero Cool
- Gives all Hero Tokens to Zero Cool/ub giver Hero.* to Zero Cool
- Gives all items matching the regex “Hero.*” to Zero Cool
/ub ig[p] <lootProfile> to <target>
Gives items matching the provided loot profile to a player.
/ub ig muledItems.utl to Zero Cool
- Gives all items matching Keep rules in muledItems.utl to Zero Cool/ub igp muledItems.utl to Zero
- Gives all items matching Keep rules in muledItems.utl to a character partially matching the name Zero
/ub autostack
Auto Stack your inventory
/ub autocram
Auto Cram into side packs
/ub unstack
Unstack olive the things
/ub clearbugged
ID everything in your inventory, and remove bugged items
/ub face <heading>
Face heading commands with built in VTank pausing and retries
/ub face 180
- Faces your character towards 180 degrees (south).
/ub face <heading>
Face heading commands with built in VTank pausing and retries
/ub face 180
- Faces your character towards 180 degrees (south).
/ub jump[swzxc] [heading] [holdtime]
Jump commands with built in VTank pausing and retries
/ub jumpsw 180 500
- Face 180 degrees (south) and jump forward with 500/1000 power./ub jumpsx 300
- Jump backward with 300/1000 power./ub jump
- Taps jump.
/ub lsdlb <landblock>
Downloads and caches landblock spawns from Lifestoned.
/ub lsdlb 00070000
- Downloads and caches Town Network landblock spawns
/ub lsdclearcache
Clears all lifestoned cached data
- Clears all lifestoned cached data
/ub getmotion
Gets motion of currently selected object.
/ub getmotion
- Tells you which way you’re going
/ub setmotion <Forward|Backward|TurnRight|TurnLeft|StrafeRight|StrafeLeft|Walk> <0|1>
Sets a wanted motion, in the client.
/ub setmotion Forward 1
- Makes your character run forward forever./ub setmotion Forward 0
- Might make your character stop running forward.
/ub clearmotion
Clears all wanted motions, in the client.
/ub clearmotion
- Clears all wanted motions, in the client.
/ub bc [millisecondDelay] <command>
Broadcasts a command to all open clients, with optional
inbetween eachExamples:
/ub bc 5000 /say hello
- Runs “/say hello” on every client, with a 5000ms delay between each/ub bc /say hello
- Runs “/say hello” on every client, with no delay
/ub bct <teamslist> [millisecondDelay] <command>
Broadcasts a command to all clients with the specified comma-separated tags (no spaces!), with optional
inbetween each. Tags are managed with the Networking.Tags setting.Examples:
/ub bct one,two 5000 /say hello
- Runs “/say hello” on every client taggedone
, with a 5000ms delay between each/ub bct three /say hello
- Runs “/say hello” on every client taggedthree
, with no delay/ub bct "some tag","another tag" /say hello
- Runs “/say hello” on every client taggedsome tag
oranother tag
, with no delay
/ub netclients <tag>
Lists all available clients on the network, optionally limited to the specified tag.
/ub netclients
- Show all clients on the ub network/ub netclients one
- Show all clients on the ub network with tagone
/ub playeroption (list|<option> {on | true | off | false})
Turns on/off acclient player options.
/ub playeroption AutoRepeatAttack on
- Enables the AutoRepeatAttack player option.
/ub professor <creature|item|life|war|void> <level>
Attempts to talk to a nearby spell professor to learn a certain school/level of spells
/ub professor creature 1
- Attempts to learn level 1 creature spells/ub professor void 7
- Attempts to learn level 7 void spells/ub professor cancel
- Cancels all current attempts to use spell professors
/ub quests check <questFlag>
Checks quest flags, and thinks to yourself with the status. To find a quest flag, open quest tracker and click on something to print the name to the chatbox. Note: If you recently completed a quest, you need to run
/ub quests check blankaug
- Think to yourself with the status of all quest flags matching blankaug
/ub myquests
Refreshes your quest flags with /myquests, and hides the output.
/ub myquests
- Refreshes your quest flags with /myquests, and hides the output
/ub translateroute <startLandblock> <routeToLoad> <endLandblock> <routeToSaveAs> [force]
Translates a VTank nav route from one landblock to another. Add force flag to overwrite the output nav. NOTE: This will translate ALL points, even if some are in a dungeon and some are not, it doesn’t care.
/ub translateroute 0x00640371 eo-east.nav 0x002B0371 eo-main.nav
- Translates eo-east.nav to landblock 0x002B0371(eo main) and saves it as eo-main.nav if the file doesn’t exist/ub translateroute 0x00640371 eo-east.nav 0x002B0371 eo-main.nav force
- Translates eo-east.nav to landblock 0x002B0371(eo main) and saves it as eo-main.nav, overwriting if the file exists
/ub listvars
Prints out all defined variables
/ub listvars
- Prints out all defined variables
/ub listpvars
Prints out all defined persistent variables for this character
/ub listpvars
- Prints out all defined persistent variables for this character
/ub listgvars
Prints out all defined global variables on this server
/ub listgvars
- Prints out all defined global variables for this server
/ub dumpskills
Prints all skills and training levels contained in Login_PlayerDesc (0x0013) to chat
/ub dumpskills
- Prints all skills and training levels to chat
/ub prepclick {stop|yes <secondstowatch>|no <secondstowatch>}
Used to prepare for the first message box selection to appear after running the command.
Click yes within 10s
- /ub prepclick yes 10Stop watching for message box
- /ub prepclick stop